The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.13 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Dapr command line interface (CLI) reference

Detailed information on the Dapr CLI

The Dapr CLI allows you to setup Dapr on your local dev machine or on a Kubernetes cluster, provides debugging support, and launches and manages Dapr instances.

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Distributed Application Runtime

  dapr [command]

Available Commands:
  annotate       Add dapr annotations to a Kubernetes configuration. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
  build-info     Print build info of Dapr CLI and runtime
  completion     Generates shell completion scripts
  components     List all Dapr components. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
  configurations List all Dapr configurations. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
  dashboard      Start Dapr dashboard. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted
  help           Help about any command
  init           Install Dapr on supported hosting platforms. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted
  invoke         Invoke a method on a given Dapr application. Supported platforms: Self-hosted
  list           List all Dapr instances. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted
  logs           Get Dapr sidecar logs for an application. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
  mtls           Check if mTLS is enabled. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
  publish        Publish a pub-sub event. Supported platforms: Self-hosted
  run            Run Dapr and (optionally) your application side by side. Supported platforms: Self-hosted
  status         Show the health status of Dapr services. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
  stop           Stop Dapr instances and their associated apps. Supported platforms: Self-hosted
  uninstall      Uninstall Dapr runtime. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted
  upgrade        Upgrades a Dapr control plane installation in a cluster. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
  version        Print the Dapr runtime and CLI version

  -h, --help          help for dapr
      --log-as-json   Log output in JSON format
  -v, --version       version for dapr

Use "dapr [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Command Reference

You can learn more about each Dapr command from the links below.

Environment Variables

Some Dapr flags can be set via environment variables (e.g. DAPR_NETWORK for the --network flag of the dapr init command). Note that specifying the flag on the command line overrides any set environment variable.