The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.13 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Alpha and Beta APIs

List of current alpha and beta APIs

Alpha APIs

Building block/API gRPC HTTP Description Documentation Version introduced
Query State Query State proto v1.0-alpha1/state/statestore/query The state query API enables you to retrieve, filter, and sort the key/value data stored in state store components. Query State API v1.5
Distributed Lock Lock proto /v1.0-alpha1/lock The distributed lock API enables you to take a lock on a resource. Distributed Lock API v1.8
Bulk Publish Bulk publish proto v1.0-alpha1/publish/bulk The bulk publish API allows you to publish multiple messages to a topic in a single request. Bulk Publish and Subscribe API v1.10
Bulk Subscribe Bulk subscribe proto N/A The bulk subscribe application callback receives multiple messages from a topic in a single call. Bulk Publish and Subscribe API v1.10
Cryptography Crypto proto v1.0-alpha1/crypto The cryptography API enables you to perform high level cryptography operations for encrypting and decrypting messages. Cryptography API v1.11

Beta APIs

Building block/API gRPC HTTP Description Documentation Version introduced
Workflow Workflow proto /v1.0-beta1/workflow The workflow API enables you to define long running, persistent processes or data flows. Workflow API v1.10

Learn more about the Alpha, Beta, and Stable lifecycle stages.

Last modified September 14, 2023: link to lifecycles (adbe4f75)