The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.13 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Alpha and Beta APIs

List of current alpha and beta APIs

Alpha APIs

Building block/API gRPC HTTP Description Documentation Version introduced
Query State Query State proto v1.0-alpha1/state/statestore/query The state query API enables you to retrieve, filter, and sort the key/value data stored in state store components. Query State API v1.5
分布式锁 Lock proto /v1.0-alpha1/lock The distributed lock API enables you to take a lock on a resource. Distributed Lock API v1.8
批量发布 Bulk publish proto v1.0-alpha1/publish/bulk 批量发布API允许您在单个请求中发布多条消息到一个主题。 Bulk Publish and Subscribe API v1.10
批量订阅 Bulk subscribe proto N/A The bulk subscribe application callback receives multiple messages from a topic in a single call. Bulk Publish and Subscribe API v1.10
Cryptography Crypto proto v1.0-alpha1/crypto The cryptography API enables you to perform high level cryptography operations for encrypting and decrypting messages. Cryptography API v1.11

Beta APIs

Building block/API gRPC HTTP Description Documentation Version introduced
Workflow Workflow proto /v1.0-beta1/workflow The workflow API enables you to define long running, persistent processes or data flows. Workflow API v1.10

Learn more about the Alpha, Beta, and Stable lifecycle stages.