The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.13 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.


让我们创建一个 Dapr 工作流,并使用控制台调用它。 通过提供的工作流示例,您将:

这个示例使用dapr init中的默认配置,在自托管模式下。


  • 验证您是否正在使用最新的proto绑定


克隆JavaScript SDK存储库并进入该存储库。

git clone
cd js-sdk

从 JavaScript SDK 根目录中,导航到 Dapr Workflow 示例。

cd examples/workflow/authoring

运行以下命令使用 Dapr JavaScript SDK 安装运行此工作流示例所需的依赖项。

npm install


activity-sequence 文件在 Dapr 工作流运行时中注册了一个工作流和一个活动。 工作流是按顺序执行的一系列活动。 我们使用DaprWorkflowClient来调度一个新的工作流实例并等待其完成。

const daprHost = "localhost";
const daprPort = "50001";
const workflowClient = new DaprWorkflowClient({
const workflowRuntime = new WorkflowRuntime({

const hello = async (_: WorkflowActivityContext, name: string) => {
  return `Hello ${name}!`;

const sequence: TWorkflow = async function* (ctx: WorkflowContext): any {
  const cities: string[] = [];

  const result1 = yield ctx.callActivity(hello, "Tokyo");
  const result2 = yield ctx.callActivity(hello, "Seattle");
  const result3 = yield ctx.callActivity(hello, "London");

  return cities;


// Wrap the worker startup in a try-catch block to handle any errors during startup
try {
  await workflowRuntime.start();
  console.log("Workflow runtime started successfully");
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error starting workflow runtime:", error);

// Schedule a new orchestration
try {
  const id = await workflowClient.scheduleNewWorkflow(sequence);
  console.log(`Orchestration scheduled with ID: ${id}`);

  // Wait for orchestration completion
  const state = await workflowClient.waitForWorkflowCompletion(id, undefined, 30);

  console.log(`Orchestration completed! Result: ${state?.serializedOutput}`);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error scheduling or waiting for orchestration:", error);


  • workflowRuntime.registerWorkflow(sequence) 在 Dapr Workflow 运行时中将 sequence 注册为一个工作流。
  • await workflowRuntime.start(); 构建并启动 Dapr Workflow 运行时内的引擎。
  • await workflowClient.scheduleNewWorkflow(sequence) 使用 Dapr Workflow 运行时调度一个新的工作流实例。
  • await workflowClient.waitForWorkflowCompletion(id, undefined, 30) 等待工作流实例完成。

在终端中执行以下命令来启动 activity-sequence.ts

npm run start:dapr:activity-sequence


You're up and running! Both Dapr and your app logs will appear here.


== APP == Orchestration scheduled with ID: dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201
== APP == Waiting 30 seconds for instance dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201 to complete...
== APP == Received "Orchestrator Request" work item with instance id 'dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201'
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Rebuilding local state with 0 history event...
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Processing 2 new history event(s): [ORCHESTRATORSTARTED=1, EXECUTIONSTARTED=1]
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Waiting for 1 task(s) and 0 event(s) to complete...
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Returning 1 action(s)
== APP == Received "Activity Request" work item
== APP == Activity hello completed with output "Hello Tokyo!" (14 chars)
== APP == Received "Orchestrator Request" work item with instance id 'dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201'
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Rebuilding local state with 3 history event...
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Processing 2 new history event(s): [ORCHESTRATORSTARTED=1, TASKCOMPLETED=1]
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Waiting for 1 task(s) and 0 event(s) to complete...
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Returning 1 action(s)
== APP == Received "Activity Request" work item
== APP == Activity hello completed with output "Hello Seattle!" (16 chars)
== APP == Received "Orchestrator Request" work item with instance id 'dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201'
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Rebuilding local state with 6 history event...
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Processing 2 new history event(s): [ORCHESTRATORSTARTED=1, TASKCOMPLETED=1]
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Waiting for 1 task(s) and 0 event(s) to complete...
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Returning 1 action(s)
== APP == Received "Activity Request" work item
== APP == Activity hello completed with output "Hello London!" (15 chars)
== APP == Received "Orchestrator Request" work item with instance id 'dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201'
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Rebuilding local state with 9 history event...
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Processing 2 new history event(s): [ORCHESTRATORSTARTED=1, TASKCOMPLETED=1]
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Orchestration completed with status COMPLETED
== APP == dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: Returning 1 action(s)
INFO[0006] dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201: 'sequence' completed with a COMPLETED status.  app_id=activity-sequence-workflow instance=kaibocai-devbox scope=wfengine.backend type=log ver=1.12.3
== APP == Instance dc040bea-6436-4051-9166-c9294f9d2201 completed
== APP == Orchestration completed! Result: ["Hello Tokyo!","Hello Seattle!","Hello London!"]
